When you are
purchasing a home, there are many different things that need to be considered –
most of which are very important. Protecting yourself and your family is
crucial for the future. One of the things that you absolutely need to think
about is mortgage life insurance – but what is mortgage life insurance?
When you
purchase a home, often one of the first things that you will have to think
about is how to protect your mortgage. There are many different types of mortgage life insurance out there that will protect
you or your loved ones in the event that someone passes away.
So, what is
mortgage life insurance? Mortgage life insurance is sold by different types of
companies. Many times your bank (or the insurance division of your bank) will
offer you mortgage life insurance when they offer you mortgage financing or
will market these products to you once you are a client.
This is
sometimes referred to as mortgage life insurance, mortgage protection insurance
or mortgage insurance. It is important to know that there are key differences
when it comes to obtaining mortgage insurance through the lender who holds your
mortgage vs. seeking out the insurance yourself, through a trusted insurance
Let’s look at
some of the key differences:
When will the
policy be underwritten? When you obtain mortgage life insurance through a good insurance broker, the policy will be
underwritten at the time that you obtain the insurance. This means that you
will have to complete an in-depth medical questionnaire. This ensures that if
something does happen in the future that the insurance company will have
difficulty getting out of paying your claim. When you take out insurance
through your mortgage lender, in most cases your policy is not underwritten
until something happens. When you obtain the insurance, very little information
will be asked of you, but in the future if you end up having to claim, the
insurance company will ask questions then and will raise reasons to deny your
Who does the
policy protect? When you obtain mortgage life insurance through an insurance
broker they represent you, not your mortgage lender. When you arrange your
mortgage life insurance through your mortgage lender they will list themselves
as the beneficiary on your policy. Your insurance broker will provide you with
the option of listing your loved ones, allowing your loved ones to determine
how the proceeds of your mortgage life insurance will be distributed.
How much
coverage will I have? In many cases, when your mortgage lender arranges your
insurance, your policy will state that the balance of your mortgage will be
paid off upon death. While your monthly mortgage life insurance premiums will
stay the same for the life of the mortgage, over time your mortgage balance
will decrease as will the amount that will have to be paid out on a claim in
the event that there is a death. For example, say you have a mortgage for
$200,000 and your mortgage life insurance payment is $22 per/mo. 5 Years into
your mortgage your balance is $170,000, your spouse passes away, the insurance
company will pay your bank the $170,000. When you obtain mortgage life
insurance through your insurance broker, the face value of the policy will
remain the same for the duration of your policy term. So, if you have a
mortgage for $200,000, you arrange mortgage life insurance in the amount of
your mortgage and your mortgage life insurance
payment is $22 per/mo. 5 years into your mortgage your balance is $170,000,
your spouse passes away, the insurance company will pay you the full $200,000.
What happens
when you renew? As you know, your mortgage is likely to renew every 1 to 5
years. Every time you refinance your home, if you have obtained mortgage life insurance through your mortgage lender,
you will be quoted on a new policy. This could change your rates exponentially
because, as we age, insurance becomes more expensive. When your mortgage life
insurance term policy is arranged through a mortgage broker it doesn’t matter
if you sell, buy another property, or refinance, because your mortgage life
insurance is not directly tied to your mortgage.
If you have
just purchased a home or are thinking about getting insurance to protect your
mortgage, mortgage life insurance arranged through a trusted insurance broker
who deals with all of the life insurance companies is the way to go. Don’t get
sucked into the convenience of obtaining life insurance through your mortgage
lender without first knowing all about it. Instead, consider a mortgage life
insurance policy that truly protects you and your family.
For more
information about mortgage life insurance, please contact Gary Mandel at
Independent Financial Concepts Group at 416-849-1653 or visit www.wecoveryou.ca.